Mods/Alliance Fights Back
Last updated: 2022-07-27 (First release: 1999-07-13) mod.json

With the destruction of the first Lucifer the Terran-Vasudan Alliance manages to push the Shivans back to Vasuda Prime and take it after a major military engagement take it. But the Alliance runs into a immovable wall of Shivan resistance, and its advance is stopped short. With neither side willing to give ground, the two fleets are gridlocked, but the Alliance losses are tremendous and it is only a matter of time before attrition loses the war for them. This is the story of General Albert Ulysses and his bold but risky plan to fight back and take the war into (and behind) Shivan-held territory, to gain back what was once theirs; their planets and their homes. Ulysses' plan carries with it not only great opportunity, but great risk as well. There is more at risk than just billions of lives but the fate of three races and with it the fate of the galaxy.
Created 07/13/1999 by Travis Brainard
Restored by macfie
Ported to Knossos and made compatible with current FSO by Fusion
AFB (required)
SHA256: f1fb536155246bca24d337732f698e4b2c5b6c04d7ede9ff035c3e3a7b80cf34
Total Download Size
22 KB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
f1fb536155246bca24d337732f698e4b2c5b6c04d7ede9ff035c3e3a7b80cf34 AFB.7z
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod AFB,fsport