Mods/A Walk in the Sun
Last updated: 2021-03-19 (First release: 2016-03-17) mod.json

[i]A release of the [url=]Nova Upgrade[/url] Project
Original campaign by Taranis
Graphic & Models Changes by Novachen
Upgraded PVSC Imhotep model by GalEmp
[url=]Original HLP Release Thread[/url][/i][hr]
You are Alpha 1, wing leader on the GTD Messana during the Second Shivan Incursion and one of very few surviving officers from the Battle for Capella. That war is now over. The GTVA fleet has been devastated. Some fleets have effecively ceased to exist and experienced pilots are a rare breed.
It is in this backdrop that you have been posted to the GTD Phoenicia, currently in the Mintaka system. Your mission; to take a destroyer's worth of untrained fighter pilots and turn them into a force which could withstand the next Shivan invasion. However, fate has other things in mind and the inexperienced ships of GTVA Training Command Group 2 are about to face yet another crisis from an unexpected direction.
• A four mission long mini campaign, that is set two months after the Second Shivan Incursion.
• Two new flyable ships.
• Three new enemy ships.
[b]Model Credits:[/b]
• Col. Fishguts
• Aesaar
• Nighteyes
• Betrayal
• Bryan See[hr]
[i]1.0.2-Nova -> 1.0.3-Nova[/i]
• Added the MRed and Vasudan Turret to fix Errors on the PVSC Imhotep and SSD Bhaal.
• Inclusion of a newer PVSC Imhotep model.
• Nameplates for the GTC Diadem, GTC Impulsive and GTC Daring.
[i]1.0.1-Nova -> 1.0.2-Nova[/i]
• Compatibility Checks for MediaVPs 3.8.X.
• Creation of Walk-mod.tbm to ignore all other FreeSpace2 missions.
[i]1.0 -> 1.0.1-Nova[/i]
• Added a customized flashes configuration for the new ships.
• The Phoenicia spelling error were corrected.
• The Phoenicia is using the Phoenicia Nameplate.
Release Thread
root (required)
Root: missions and tables.
SHA256: ad773364d5e386ac647f8ad05afffd8ed5a7235a42ef35030a18563ed13b2dd6
animations (required)
Animations: briefings, loadout and HUD animations.
SHA256: 59251fdac11b3bccc466b4306ef9eb8a91aa937eebcebf917c1fd46a619abb67
visual (required)
Visual: models and textures.
SHA256: 9d9819a88e9ddda37bc19e01685772d85397eae87e91ebde16e32ddfb1f34edd
audio (required)
Audio: music and voice files.
SHA256: a2b2031ff9e102ab90ac64df5a6aa832a2c3b5740bb1acfa6e688aabe70929ea
Total Download Size
127 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
ad773364d5e386ac647f8ad05afffd8ed5a7235a42ef35030a18563ed13b2dd6 root.7z 59251fdac11b3bccc466b4306ef9eb8a91aa937eebcebf917c1fd46a619abb67 animations.7z 9d9819a88e9ddda37bc19e01685772d85397eae87e91ebde16e32ddfb1f34edd visual.7z a2b2031ff9e102ab90ac64df5a6aa832a2c3b5740bb1acfa6e688aabe70929ea audio.7z
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod A_Walk_in_the_Sun,MVPS
Command-Line Flags (optional; ?)
-3dshockwave -post_process -soft_particles -fxaa -fb_explosions -fb_thrusters -enable_shadows -dualscanlines -targetinfo -rearm_timer -ballistic_gauge -ship_choice_3d -3dwarp -warp_flash -fxaa_preset 9