Mods/Aerilon is Burning
Last updated: 2018-02-02 (First release: 2017-01-28) mod.json

The Sobek class Battlestar Perseus is returning from a tour of deep patrol and manuevers on the edge of the outer colonies. They are responding to reports of a Cylon attach on the colony of Aerilon. When they arrive they find the Battlestar Sobek and two frigates engaged against two basestars.
Release Thread
aib (required)
SHA256: 97942d9d83fdcce58a904ab1d04196183e3ef67faf1e93d54dc4b01aa0e2ae55
Total Download Size
21 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
97942d9d83fdcce58a904ab1d04196183e3ef67faf1e93d54dc4b01aa0e2ae55 aib.7z
- aib
- Diaspora_Release_Version
- FSO [>=3.8.0-2]
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod AerilonIsBurning,Diaspora_Release_Version