Mods/Road to Orum'pur
Last updated: 2022-07-02 (First release: 2020-05-07) mod.json

Here is a short campaign that serves as a prologue, more to come sooner (or later :-)
The story takes place some days before the battle of Deneb.
A young recruit from GTA pilots academy earns his wings and starts his journey into the deeps of space, while the great war rages around him. Will he have to take part of it?
[b][i]This is where it really begins...[/i]
Credits go to:
Everyone at SCP team for one among the longest played game ever
All the people at HLP and forums who helped me make this mod happen ([i]Karajorma, The_E, xenocartographer[/i], and many others)
Grey Wolf 2009 for the AWESOME Apollo asset [i](original idea from -Sara- and Hades)[/i]
Mjnmixael for his help with Knossos install and setup
Nightmare, I needed these skyboxes so badly
All feedbackers! ([i]Colt, Baezon, Asteroth, spart_n, etc...[/i])
Release Thread
Assets (required)
Assets for the mod.
SHA256: 98ef92e02b7d4a881d0842fa80f813049f6a1c0527eebca08eb8c35b4481c1db
Missions (required)
These are the missions files only.
SHA256: 57c9ef7bca86c0315929d793761f7920075c2a1e4d5edff0339e22bdfbe62be9
Total Download Size
124 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
98ef92e02b7d4a881d0842fa80f813049f6a1c0527eebca08eb8c35b4481c1db Assets.7z 57c9ef7bca86c0315929d793761f7920075c2a1e4d5edff0339e22bdfbe62be9 Missions.7z
- Assets
- fsport [~3.6.9]
- fsport-mediavps [~4.6.0]
- MVPS [~4.6.5]
- MjnMHs [~1.4.10]
- galatea_a
- galatea_b
- bastion_a
- bastion_b
- Missions
- FSO [>=22.0.0]
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod Orumpur,fsport-mediavps,fsport,MVPS,MjnMHs