Mods/What If - Another Great War
Last updated: 2023-10-10 (First release: 2022-06-15) mod.json

What If the Shivans had had beam weapons in FS1? What if the alliance had had flak guns? What if FreeSpace1 had been closer to the Reference Bible? And What If you could play it? Meet Storm Front's view to the Great War... Another Great War...
Release Thread
AnotherGreatWar (required)
SHA256: db585f6fa4304378362992840b5eefe73f30e09833f7db4cf39392a6b5c07112
Total Download Size
298 KB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
db585f6fa4304378362992840b5eefe73f30e09833f7db4cf39392a6b5c07112 AnotherGreatWar.7z
- AnotherGreatWar
- StormFrontStock [~23.1.1]
- sfs_shockwaves
- MjnMHs [~1.4.7]
- fsport-mediavps [~4.6.8]
- fsport [~3.6.8]
- MVPS [~4.6.8]
- MV_Mainhalls
- MV_Cutscenes_1
- MV_Cutscenes_2
- MV_Music
- MV_Compatibility
- MV_AnimGlows
- MV_RadarIcons
- MV_Advanced1
- MV_Advanced2
- MV_Advanced3
- MV_Advanced4
- MV_Advanced5
- MV_A_Warp
- FSO [>=23.1.0-20231006]
- StormFrontStock [~23.1.1]
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod StormFront_AGW,StormFrontStock,fsport-mediavps,fsport,MVPS,MjnMHs
Command-Line Flags (optional; ?)
-soft_particles -enable_shadows -rearm_timer -dualscanlines -targetinfo -3dwarp -warp_flash -aa -orbradar -ship_choice_3d -weapon_choice_3d -ambient_factor 80 -spec_point 0.3 -spec_static 1.2 -spec_tube 0.3 -bloom_intensity 15 -fov 0.6