Last updated: 2022-09-17 (First release: 2021-08-12) mod.json

As Terran forces continue to fall back in the face of Shivan might, accompany the veteran pilot, Lieutenant Rhygar, on a front line patrol. What you discover there could turn the tide of the war, or seal your doom.
Original Features:
* Two unique missions, plus one "atmosphere" mission (no combat)
* Unique player roles: wingman, and reinforcement wing leader
* Multiple tasks: escort, attack, recon
* Involving storyline
* Real characters
* Asteroid field combat
* Extensive playtesting and balancing
Original Creator: Julian Egelstaff
core (required)
SHA256: 97d48a895b92c7401c315c8c234bcb1b86dea8bf46ac9caa38bfbe11d26a1bec
Total Download Size
3 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
97d48a895b92c7401c315c8c234bcb1b86dea8bf46ac9caa38bfbe11d26a1bec core.7z
- core
- fsport-mediavps [~4.6.7]
- music
- apngs
- fsport [~3.7.1]
- MVPS [~4.6.7]
- MV_Music
- MV_Cutscenes_1
- MV_Cutscenes_2
- FSO [>=22.2.0]
- fsport-mediavps [~4.6.7]
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod Tango,fsport-mediavps,MVPS,fsport