Mods/Tides of Darkness
Last updated: 2023-04-16 (First release: 2023-04-16) mod.json

Twenty years have passed since the accidental detonation of Capella. For the terrans who fled to Gamma Draconis and beyond because they were unable to reach Epsilon Pegasi or Vega, all their assumptions were rewritten.
What was thought to be the activation of a superweapon, was nothing more than a slight miscalculation during a energy harvesting session.
Aken Bosch had provided the refugees with ETAK technology, and with it, cleared all misconceptions regarding the Shivans, who too, were suffering the effects of a depression from the loss of the Sathanas Fleet.
The Shivans were a species in exodus - fleeing from an unseen enemy that chased them from behind. Albiet an enemy which has not been seen for centuries...for millenia.
Still, the fear of this species has led the Shivans to genocide in their attempts to find a means of escape should they return. What this force is is unknown.
In this dark era, the two unlikely partners formed a new alliance - the Neo Terran Shivan Dominion, created out of a new mutual understanding.
However, ubeknowest to the fledgling alliance, unknown forces that have hunted the Shivans again muster their fleets, spurred on by an unseen hand.
The tide of darkness once again advances. Those unfortunate enough to be caught in the undertow will not be seen again.
The Red Hand Heretics
The radical Shivan cult known as the Red Hand Heretics have openly opposed the Hive since the days before the destruction of the Ancients.
Their fleets were led by three Lucifer superdestroyers. Their xenocidal doctrine and intermittent conflict with the Shivan Hive has lost them two of the three command ships, however.
Even after almost ten millenia of conflict, the Shivan Hive still knows almost nothing about the reasons behind the Red Hand's actions, nor of who or what orchestrates the Red Hand's movements.
It has long been speculated that the Heresy had disbanded after the last conflict, their fleets hidden, never to be activated again.
Noone would ever have guessed the true origins of the resurgent Red Hand, and if they had, they would never imaging the sinister fate it fortold.
core (required)
SHA256: 20c3f5d55a5a4c5133d7b9ddee8bb91aa9cd575c3e92ebe89b4d13a06e5d779e
Total Download Size
61 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
20c3f5d55a5a4c5133d7b9ddee8bb91aa9cd575c3e92ebe89b4d13a06e5d779e core.7z
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod Tides_of_darkness,MVPS