Mods/Wing Commander IV Demo
Last updated: 2018-01-24 (First release: 2018-01-24) mod.json

This is a recreation of a set of demo WCIV missions created by the saga team in 2007.
The war between the alien Kilrathi Empire and the Terran Confederation has been over for several years. Confed is attempting to stabilize its economy and social structure. The Kilrathi survivors, now led by Melek nar Kiranka, retainer to the late Prince Thrakhath, are having greater problems than they had during the war, since their racial and societal makeup revolves around hunting and killing. Tension between the Confederation and the Union of Border Worlds has deepened, most recently with an attack on an unarmed medical transport.
WCIV_Demo_Core (required)
Core Files
SHA256: f2a6eca0a22f93e857c04c3913f8482d5845ae1f38340e0336c3d34748751358
WCIV_demo_Movies (required)
Movies to go with the demo
SHA256: fe1a9383ecb8f902e0a7731961e827a82a7acddbd02dee1f67c3a88c8b10a6f1
Total Download Size
623 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
f2a6eca0a22f93e857c04c3913f8482d5845ae1f38340e0336c3d34748751358 WCIV_Demo_Core.7z fe1a9383ecb8f902e0a7731961e827a82a7acddbd02dee1f67c3a88c8b10a6f1 WCIV_demo_Movies.7z
- WCIV_Demo_Core
- FSO [>=3.8.0-2]
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod WCIV_Demo