Mods/The Aeos Affair
Last updated: 2021-02-02 (First release: 2000-01-14) mod.json

Aeos Research Base is located on a frozen planet in the Altair system. As you know, Altair is about as far away from the front lines of the war as you can get. We have no significant military presence here. All of our fighting ships are on the front or elsewhere where they are needed more. We have only a token force of patrol fighters and various civilian support ships. But that's alright with us. Nothing ever happens out here.
Elsewhere, the war is going well. The NTF has been defeated. The Shivans are threatening Capella, but the Colossus is on station there. There are rumors of a massive Shivan invasion force looming beyond GTVA system, but rumors are a dime a dozen in this place. We expect to continue our work here in peace.
Aeos seems to be an abandoned Ancient outpost. The Ancients must have left this planet in a hurry. There are miles of tunnels and chambers here. There are many artifacts here. They all seem to be in disarray. Some are damaged. Others look as if they were simply dropped and left where they fell. We have a goldmine here, but it will take years to discover what secrets are held by this frozen rubble. But time is one thing we have lots of...
These missions were designed to be much more difficult than standard Freespace 2 missions. These missions are meant to be hard, but not impossible.
These missions were created to challenge elite players. The recommended difficulty setting is "Easy". Crazy people with suicidal tendencies may attempt the missions at higher levels, but be advised that your chances are slim. Note that all of the missions have been tested and all are winnable. On the "Very Easy" level, all objectives of all missions can be completed. Are you good enough?
~Derek "PickleHead" Pickering
Release Thread,58354.0.htmlFiles
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SHA256: 26a49794ba67e955cf3080d4c72c4c301b882a6e888d13fe6efc218c211ed1b9
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290 KB
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26a49794ba67e955cf3080d4c72c4c301b882a6e888d13fe6efc218c211ed1b9 Content.7z
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-mod aeos_affair,MVPS