Mods/Freespace Turquoise
Last updated: 2024-01-20 (First release: 2022-11-28) mod.json

A modified version of the Freespace 2 campaign based on Freespace Blue from Blue Planet.
Modified weapons and ships, some based on Blue Planet
Modified version of Shivan Hunter's HD HUD
New AI profiles
Ship gliding and lateral movement, both for player and enemies
Improved ship physics for fighters
New lighting profile and other effects
mod (required)
SHA256: 5d8df3b0effbf11e26bfc7199094f1d6a648f7c85b7690501ab35009eb6d2c0e
Total Download Size
87 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
5d8df3b0effbf11e26bfc7199094f1d6a648f7c85b7690501ab35009eb6d2c0e mod.7z
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod fs2b,MjnMHs,jds-hdgenradaricons,NTF_Ship_Textures,MVPS,GOTYMissions
Command-Line Flags (optional; ?)
-enable_shadows -soft_particles -aa -targetinfo -rearm_timer -dualscanlines -3dwarp -warp_flash